- Feb. 16, 2023: SIMN Final Exams (cycle 35) - schedule (Room G, Dept. of Chemical Sciences, via Marzolo 1, from 2:00 pm).
- Oct. 22, 2021: SIMN Welcome Day 2022. The meeting will be online by Zoom. The Students will receive the Zoom link by email
- Apr. 11, 2022: SIMN Final Exams (cycle 34, ext) - schedule (Online by Zoom: the link will be sent by email).
- Feb. 09, 2022: SIMN Final Exams (cycle 34) - schedule (Online by Zoom: the link will be sent by email).
- Jan. 19, 2022: SIMN Welcome Day 2022 for the PON-Green PhD Students. The meeting will be online by Zoom. The Students will receive the Zoom link directly by email.
- Oct. 22, 2021: SIMN Welcome Day 2021. The meeting will be online by Zoom. The Students will receive the Zoom link by email.
- Jun. 21-25, 2021: PhD Educational week on Transferable Skills 2021. Link.
- Feb. 04, 2021: SIMN Final Exams (cycle 33)
- Oct. 16, 2020: SIMN Welcome Day 2020. The meeting will be online by Zoom. The Students will receive the Zoom link by email.
- Sept. 21-25, 2020: PhD Educational week on Transferable Skills 2020. Link.