Research Areas
The MST Students can perform their research activity in the labs of the three reference Departments: the Dept. of Chemical Sciences (DiSC), the Dept. of Physics and Astronomy (DFA) and the Dept. of Industrial Engineering (DII).
In the proposed project the MST Student can address practically all aspects of the materials science, i.e., design, (nano)fabrication, characterization and modeling of innovative materials and devices, through the understanding and the use of the relationship between (nano)structure and function of the material developed for targeted applications.
Some of the research areas of interest of the SIMN Doctoral Course:
- Nanomaterials for Catalysis (including electro- and photo-catalysis)
- Nanomaterials for Photonics and Plasmonics
- Nanomaterials for Photovoltaics, Fuel Cells, Batteries and Hydrogen production
- Nanomaterials for biosensing and nanomedicine
- Nanomaterials for gas sensing
- Hybrid Materials
- Innovative materials based on nanocarbon (fullerenes, nanotubes, chemically modified graphene and their composites)
- Surface properties of functional materials
- Thin films and functional coatings
- Theoretical Modelling of materials and devices
- Bottom-up and top-down preparation of nanomaterials
- Advanced Spectroscopical Methods for Materials Characterization
- Hybrid Nanostructures for magneto-optical devices