FAQ - MST Application
1. Do I have to submit a written PhD Research Proposal during the application?
No. The PhD Research Proposal will be presented and discussed only during the interview
2. May I insert images in the 2-page thesis summary?
3. In which language should I write the 2-page thesis summary?
4. Do I have to upload to PICA the Master thesis PDF file along with the 2-page summary?
If you already defended your Master Thesis you have to upload your thesis PDF file AND the 2-page summary to PICA (as two distinct PDF files).
If you are supposed to defend your Master Thesis no later than Sept. 30, 2024, you can upload just the 2-page summary signed by you and your thesis supervisor.
5. Do I need to upload recommendation letters?
No. You just need to upload your Motivation Letter.
6. (for students from UniPD) May I use the Self-Certifications provided by the UNIWEB personal page as the Transcript of Records (ToR)?
7. Do I need to include the requested ToR in the same PDF of the CV?
No. You have to use and upload two distinct PDF files.
8. Instead of a BSc and a MSc, I hold a single 5-year degree (or similar) equivalent to a master's level of qualification: how can I fill the field regarding my academic records (Section C)?
You can use the MSc Section. In the BSc Table please write in the first row near 'BSc Degree in' a phrase to refer the reader to the MSc table (e.g., 'my Degree is structured in a single 5-year MSc program: see the MSc Table for details').