Student's Budget
In addition to the monthly salary, each PhD Student receives a dedicated research budget of about 4.8 k€.
This budget is mainly intended as a support for the training and the research (e.g., for attending conferences or schools, consumables, mobility, etc...).
Students funded by external Institutions (e.g, China Scholarship Council, Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions, Industrial Doctorate,...) have their own budget which may differ from the standard one.
After the enrollment in the SIMN PhD program you will receive the credentials to login the Intranet Area of the Department of Chemical Sciences (DiSC), which can be used as a reference point for administrative procedures regarding the use of the research budget.
In the Intranet Area information is available regarding:
- administrative and accounting procedures related to the PhD (e.g., orders, travels, registration to conferences/seminars, etc.);
- frequently asked questions about using the search budget.
For sign-in issues (e.g., credentials recovery) contact the following email.
For more specific information on the eligible costs for the Student's Budget please ask the Financial Secretariat at the following email.