The SIMN/MST PhD Training Program is based on two actions:
- Research-based training: the PhD students will be assigned a research project on one of the most advanced topics. This is the most important activity and will produce a final written original PhD thesis, which will be evaluated by two International Experts in the field. The PhD student will defend it in front of a Panel of Experts to obtain the PhD Degree.
- Lecture-based training: to enhance the scientific/technical knowledge on the most advanced and specialized research topics and to improve the soft and transferable skills of the PhD student. This is obtained through course or modules given mainly by the Members of the Academic Board and/or by other national or international leading experts.
Students advancements will be evaluated each year and admission to the next year is obtained upon a positive evaluation of a written report.
1. Research-Based Training
Within a maximum of 3 months after the official start of the Cycle, the Academic Board will appoint a Supervisor for each PhD student enrolled in the SIMN/MST Course. The Supervisor, normally selected within the Academic Board, is a recognised expert in the research topic of the project proposed by the PhD student. The Supervisor is entrusted with both the career development plan and the tutoring of the student in the research activity. A Co-Supervisor can be appointed if the activity requires additional specific competencies.
The Executive Board will evaluate the proposed individual plan for each student to make sure it provides the student with the skills needed for carring out high quality research activities. The training plan should include the achievement of the scientific knowledge of the candidate, by attending both general courses, missing from the student’s curriculum, and advanced courses, specifically designed for PhD students, requiring the passing of a final exam. The Executive Board approves the plan.
2. Lecture-based Training
During the three years of SIMN/MST PhD Course, each Student is required to attend the following lecture-based training activities:
- at least 96 hrs of advanced courses or modules (roughly corresponding to 12 ECTS) with final exam. A course has a typical duration of 24 hrs (3 ECTS), whereas a module has in general a minimum duration of 8 hrs (1 ECTS). Preferably, the Student should complete the teaching activity within the first two years.
- at least 24 hrs of professional training modules (normally organized by the University of Padova) aiming at improving the soft- or transferable-skills. Preferably these modules should be taken during the second and third year.
- at least 10 hrs of specialized seminars and/or cycles of seminars on topics of interest of the SIMN/MST Course. Their attendance is self-certified by the Student.
- participation in National/International Advanced Schools.
The SIMN/MST Course will provide for each Doctoral Cycle a set of advanced course or modules. Students are allowed to attend also external training courses (up to a maximum of 24 hrs) or schools. They can be recognized as a training activity only if they have (i) a final exam and (ii) if they are pre-approved by the SIMN/MST Tutoring Committee.
3. Students' Advancement Reports
At the end of each academic year, the Executive Board will verify the research/training advancement results through the discussion with a Tutoring Committee appointed ad hoc for each Cycle of the PhD Course.
- At the end of the first and second year (normally by the end of August) each Student must submit an Annual Report (using the SIMN/MST Annual Report template, downloadable in the Deadlines section) on the advancement of the research and training program in that year. This Annual Report will be reviewed by the Tutoring Committee which will propose the admission to the next year;
- At the end of the third year (normally by the end of August) the Student must submit a Final Report (using the SIMN/MST Final Report template, downloadable in the Deadlines section) on the whole three-year training and research activity. Upon positive evaluation of the Tutoring Committee, the Student can be admitted to the final thesis defense.