Authorization Request for Long-Term Stay Abroad
Fill this form the be authorized to stay abroad for more than 20 days for your research activity and to receive the 50% increase of the scholarship and send it to the SIMN/MST Coordinator (and in cc to dottorati.chimica@unipd.it) for the approval. (You can be authorized by the Coordinator to stay max 6 months, even not contiguous, within your entire PhD program. If you need to stay for longer periods you need the authorization of the Academic Board).
Authorization Request for Teaching Support
Fill this form to be authorized to do Teaching Support activities (max 40 hrs/year) and send it to the SIMN/MST Coordinator (and in cc to dottorati.chimica@unipd.it) for the approval.
Download SIMN - Richiesta Nulla Osta Didattica.docx Download MST - Richiesta Nulla Osta Didattica.docxAuthorization Request for Tutoring or External Work
Fill this form to be authorized to do Tutoring Activities or External Work and send it to the SIMN/MST Coordinator (and in cc to dottorati.chimica@unipd.it) for the approval. The form should be signed by the PhD Student and by his/her Supervisor. Those activities must be compatible with a full-time PhD activity.
Download SIMN - Richiesta Nulla Osta Tutoraggio o Lavoro.docx Download MST - Richiesta Nulla Osta Tutoraggio o Lavoro_0.docx