General admission procedure
CDSM has two curricula: Chemical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Sciences. All available scholarships are divided amongst the two curricula and admission occurs through separate procedures. A candidate can apply for only one curriculum.
The admission procedure for the regular fellowships is based on three parts:
A. Written examination (max. 60 points)
From a database 100 multiple-choice questions (in english) are selected by the computer subdivided in the following topics:
Curriculum Chemical Sciences
Analytical chemistry -10 questions
Organic chemistry - 20 questions
Inorganic chemistry - 20 questions
Physical chemistry - 20 questions
Pharmaceutical science - 20 questions
Biotechnology - 10 questions
Curriculum Pharmaceutical Sciences
Analytical chemistry - 10 questions
Organic chemistry - 20 questions
General chemistry - 20 questions
Pharmaceutical chemistry - 20 questions
Pharmaceutical technology - 20 questions
Biotechnology - 10 questions
A detailed description of the contents of each area can be downloaded here. A representative example of a test can be found here (answers are available separately here).
Important ! The test example refers to the admission procedure of previous years, which was unified for the two curricula.
Each candidate can freely choose which questions to answer, but should respond to 60 questions in total (no penalty is given for a wrong answer). In case more questions are answered, the first 60 questions will be considered, independent on whether the answers are correct or wrong. The correction procedure is computerized and is anonymous. Only after correction the result is associated to the name of the candidate.
B. Evaluation of the CV (max. 20 points)
The CV should be preferably (not mandatorily) prepared using this template
Points are assigned to:
1. MSc-thesis (or draft; 2 points): For applicants that are not yet in the possession of their degree: those that will be awarded a degree by 30 September 2023 have to submit an extended summary of the MSc-thesis (max. 4 pages) signed by the applicant and the supervisor
2. Curriculum (15 points): A list of exams of the entire academic career (MSc and BSc) including the scores of each exam needs to be provided. Documentation containing the final graduation score (if available)
3. Pubblications (1 points): Only (already published) scientific publications indexed on ISI/Scopus or those accepted in final format (evidenced by a DOI) will be considered. Meeting abstracts will not be considered
4. Other (2 point): Candidates may support their application with:
a. A maximum of 2 letters of recommendation from Italian or foreign researchers
b. Awards/prizes received as a result of academic accomplishments
C. Interview (max. 20 points).
The interview will be conducted by the CDSM admission committee. During the interview knowledge of English will be tested.