Curriculum Chemical Sciences


The research lines reflect those of the Department of Chemical Sciences (DiSC) and cover a wide variety of timely research arguments in the field of chemical sciences.

Chemistry for energy. Innovative chemical solutions for the production and storage of (renewable) energy.

Sustainable chemistry. Green and circular chemistry. Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts based on metal complexes, organocatalysts and catalytic nanomaterials.

(Nano)materials chemistry. Functional inorganic, organic and hybrid materials with controlled chemical, optical, electrical and magnetic properties. Studies of interfaces, films and supported nanoparticles

Supramolecular chemistry. Inorganic and organic self-assembled nanosystems for application in (bio)diagnostics, catalysis and nanomedicine. Study of emerging properties in complex chemical systems.

Chemistry for environment and cultural heritage. Monitoring of the environment, conservation of the cultural heritage.

Chemistry for life sciences. Synthesis and structural and conformational characterization of peptides and proteins and the study of photosynthetic systems by means of optical and magnetic spectroscopies. Food chemistry and development of analytical tools to contrast food adulteration.

Theoretical and Computational chemistry. Modeling of complex molecules and materials using quantum and statistical approaches.