Dottorandi XXXI ciclo


XXXI CicloIndirizzoSupervisoreArgomento di tesiE-mail 
Baggio RobertoScienze FarmaceuticheFRANCESCHINIS EricaProcess control and scale-up of pharmaceutical wet granulation processes
Bortoli MarcoScienze ChimicheORIAN LauraDAISIES: Developing Anti-oxidant Innovative Solutions Inspired by Enzymatic Systems
Brugnolo GiuliaScienze ChimichePOLIMENO AntoninoModellistica molecolare per l’ottimizzazione della composizione divetri a uso industriale
Brunato SilviaScienze FarmaceuticheSALMASO StefanoTargeted modular nanovectors for anticancer drug delivery and locally controlled release
Canato ElenaScienze FarmaceutichePASUT GianfrancoDevelopement of novel Super Stealth immunoliposomes for antitumoral drug delivery
Cardona MariaScienze ChimichePRINS Leonard J.Self-Assembled Chemical Nanoreactors
Ceccato AlessandroScienze ChimicheFREZZATO DiegoSearch for canonical formats of deterministic and stochastic dynamics of relevance in chemical contexts, with application to dimensionality reduction
Dal Farra Maria GiuliaScienze ChimicheDI VALENTIN MarilenaThe photoexcited triplet state as a novel spin label for distance measurements by pulsed EPR spectroscopy
Dal Pra MatteoScienze FarmaceuticheFERLIN Maria GraziaDesign, Synthesis and Characterization of Polycyclic and Heteropolycyclic Compounds as Biologically Active Compounds
De Bon FrancescoScienze ChimicheGENNARO ArmandoGreen Chemistry for Electrochemically mediated Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization
De Poi RossellaScienze FarmaceutichePOLVERINO DE LAURETO PatriziaClustering screening of protein mixtures: from untargeted to targeted analysis
Faresin AndreaScienze ChimicheMAGGINI MicheleOrganized responsive particles: smart Pickering emulsions
Guarracino PaolaScienze ChimicheFRANCO LorenzoStudy of new materials for application in organic photovoltaics by means of EPR spectroscopy techniques
León Prieto Carlos ManuelScienze ChimichePRINS Leonard J.  Multivalent Molecular Systems for Innovative Applications: “Carbohydrate recognition by monolayer protected gold nanoparticles”
Mohebbi ElahehScienze ChimicheCASARIN MaurizioS3AMAS: Surface Supported Supramolecular Architectures: Modeling of photo Active Systems
Peterle DanieleScienze FarmaceuticheDE FILIPPIS VincenzoMolecular Mechanisms in the Alteration of Haemostasis
Povolo ChiaraScienze FarmaceuticheZAGOTTO GiuseppeExtraction and characterization of chemicals from vegetal matrices and assessment of their properties for nutraceutical and cosmetic applications
Rigo RiccardoScienze FarmaceuticheSISSI ClaudiaBiological and pharmaceutical relevance of non canonical DNA secondary structures in promoter regions
Robescu Marina SimonaScienze ChimicheBERGANTINO Elisabetta Identification, production and characterization of new ene reductases for industrial biocatalysis applications
Spigolon GiuliaScienze Chimiche LICINI GiuliaHybrid organic/inorganic systems for catalysis and molecular recognition
Sun XiaohuanScienze ChimicheMANCIN FabrizioNovel approaches for nanoparticle-assisted NMR chemosensors
Zheng MengScienze ChimicheMAGGINI MicheleGraphene-based donor-π-acceptor